With each coming day, as the participation kept increasing and users kept growing at AirLyft, it was seen that Telegram verification started showing issues because of exceeded rate limit where regardless of users joining a particular group or channel, they were still unable to verify their task completion on AirLyft.
We heard this and took this development challenge on higher priority and have built a very simple solution to get rid of this issue. Here is a step-by-step explanation of how to create Telegram-related tasks on AirLyft.
- Firstly, if you have access to the platform, please log on to https://accounts.airlyft.one/
- Create an event and move to the next step of selecting apps where you can click on the Telegram box.
3. A pop-up window opens up asking you to enter the telegram handle of the group or channel you want your users to join. Enter those and select the verification type. The first one is No Verification which gives the project the flexibility that their joiners don’t need to perform any verification and directly the points can be assigned. The second one is the Verification method “Check if users have joined group/channel”. Select the 2nd option after which you will be requested for an API key.
4. To get the API key, simply go to your Telegram and generate this using BotFather (@BotFather). Press start and enter “/newbot” command and follow the instructions mentioned in the bot father window.
5. Now, enter the name of the bot whose API Key will be generated. Let’s use testAirLyft for testing purposes. Post that, you need to choose a username for the bot that ends with ‘bot’, taking AirLyftTestBot for understanding. Post you hit enter, your API Key for AirLyftTestBot is there.
6. Now, once the bot is generated via Botfather, we need to first add it to the group where you want your users to join. Simply, navigate to the group/channel and click on add member option to add the created bot.
Please note that you need to make this bot an ADMIN and it will be entirely in your control as the Bot API Key is only available to you.
Also, please note that it wouldn’t have any effect on your already existing TG bots verification process.
7. Now, once the bot is added to the group, please copy the existing API key from the BotFather window and navigate to accounts.airlyft.one website where you are creating an event and enter in the API Key textbox as shown in the screenshot below.
Finally, click on Add task and that’s it. The telegram integration is complete and ready for your participants.
- You can always delete this bot post-event completion by navigating to BotFather window on Telegram and using the command “/deletebot”!
- AirLyft does not read any group/channel messages, we also do not read any user PII through this bot.
- This bot will not send any message on your group/channel.
Should you have any queries, please feel free to contact us at:
- Telegram: https://t.me/kyteone
- Kyte Twitter: https://twitter.com/kyteone
- AirLyft Twitter: https://twitter.com/airlyftone
- Email: support@kyte.one
Lyft Off!!!